Moscow Moscow Moscow Moscow Moscow Moscow
An adaptation of Three Sisters by Anton Chekhov
Adapted by Halley Feiffer
Directed by José Zayas
The American Academy of Dramatic Arts (NY)
Cast: Joseph Randal, Wasim Azeez, Diana Budko, Kaili Lewis, Ozric Miller, Mikayla Roasrio, Dalton Scott, Nain Edward Stark, Kacie Swaffield, Luke Wilcox, Reatt Sadigov
Crew: CJ Howard (Set), Esther Arroyo (Costumes), Michael O’Connor (Lighting), Emma Vilk (Sound), Yudelka Heyer (Props), Elizabeth Emond (Production Stage Management), Eleonor Taylor (Alexander Technique), Rob Tendy (Voice & Speech), Prather Rehm (Intimacy Consultation)